SELECTED TOPICS IN CHEMISTRY-1 (US06DCHE21) Question Bank for Unit 1: Visible Spectroscopy
1. What happened when light interacts with any medium? What are the different phenomenon can occur?
2. Explain Lambert’s Law.
3. Explain Beer’s Law.
4. Derive an expression for Lambert-Beer’s law.
5. Explain the deviation in Beer’s law in detail with classification. Also, explain its limitation.
6. Derive equation: A = abc.
7. Explain the following terms:
a. Transmission
b. Absorbance
c. Absorptivity
d. Molar Absorptivity
8. Derive the equation: T% = Antilog(2-A)
9. Give the difference between Prism and Gratings.
10. List the various sources used in Visible spectroscopy.