Unit 1: Spectroscopy

1.      Define the term:

a.       Spectroscopy

b.      Enantiotopic protons

c.       Diasteriotopic protons

2.      What are the various aspects of NMR? Explain in short.

3.      Explain Shielding and Deshielding with example.

4.      How to get Tau scale (τ)?

5.      Explain the proton counting with suitable examples.

6.      What are the coupling constants?

7.      Explain the 13C NMR spectra.

8.      Explain the α, β, and γ effects of –Cl group in 13C NMR spectra.

9.      Explain the spectroscopic analysis of Amines and substituted Amides.

10.  An organic compound with molecular formula, C3H3Cl5 gave the following pmr data.

(a) triplet 4.52 δ

(b) doublet 6.07 δ 2H.

Assign a structural formula to the compound consistent with its pmr data given above.