How To Calculate Molarity

Hello friends, I am Dr Nilesh Vala and today we are going to learn difference between Normality, Molarity & Molality. 
Many of us don’t have clear knowledge about it, and we find difficulties during real practice in lab and interview.
So without wasting your more time let’s start learning…

Normality, Molarity & Molality are the units of concentration. All three units express amount of solute dissolves in solvent.

First we will learn Molarity
As we know amount of substance is also measured in gm-mole. (1 Mole = 6.022 x 1023)
So when 1 gm mole solute dissolved in 1000 ml solution it’s called 1 molar or 1 M solution.
Symbol for Molarity is “M”
So we can say that Molarity is amount of solute in mole dissolved in 1 liter solution.
Be clear that final volume of solution must be 1 liter.
Molarity = (weight of solute in gram) / (Molecular weight of solute × Volume of solution in liter)

Suppose you want to make 2 M NaOH 500 ml solution
For that you need molecular weight of NaOH = 40 gm/mole
Volume of solution in liter = 500 ml = 0.5 liter
2 = (required weight of NaOH in gram) / (40 × 0.5)
Required weight of NaOH in gram = 2 × 40 × 0.5

That means you have to take 40 gm NaOH, dissolve it in minimum quantity of solvent then make up solution to final volume of 500 ml, that’s your 2 M NaOH 500 ml solution.